Tagged With: baldassare peruzzi
My Recipe for a Stress-Free Week in Rome
November 2014 Winter has just arrived in New Hampshire…with typically indecent haste. For all of us who thrive during summertime, these first days of snow and chill — which promise months of the same to follow — pose a challenge: how indeed, are we to cope cheerfully with the absence of regularly-appearing sunshine, of green-growing … Continue reading
Categories: Uncategorized
Tags: agostino chigi, ancient rome, babette san francisco, baldassare peruzzi, basilica of santa maria, campidoglio, capitoline hill, capitoline museums, centro storico, cordonata, del piombo, donna camilla savelli hotel, francesco borromini, galleria lapidary, gian lorenzo bernini, gianicolo, house of farnese, il vittoriano, imperial rome, italy, italy vacations, jaipur trastevere, janiculum hill, julius caesar, lazio, luxury hotels in rome, marco g trastevere, marcus aurelius, michelangelo, Nan Quick, New York Social Diary, One Step Closer, piazza del campidoglio, raphael, ristorante il ponentino, roman curia, roman empire, roman forum, roman hair styles, roman pines, roman republic, roman sculpture, roman taxi, rome, seven hills of rome, tabularium, temple of jupiter optimus maximus, theatre of marcellus, tiber river, trastevere, trastevere restaurants, victor emmanuel II, villa farnesina, wall frescoes
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