Tagged With: flowers
Springtime Sauntering through Historic Charleston, South Carolina
For Northern New Englanders, March always seems the cruelest month. Winter–which begins in November–persists…and sometimes mightily. As gray days continued, and new snow piled upon old, I decided that a Southward trip was needed for mental and physical health, and so devised a two-week itinerary which would carry me into Springtime. March 9, 2013. I … Continue reading
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Tags: 70 Park Avenue, American Revolution, AMTRAK, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Charles Englehard Court, charleston, Charleston Footprints, Charleston Museum, Cincinnati, Civil War, Claire Voie, Daniel Chester French, Earthquake of 1886, Edmondston Alston House, flowers, formal gardens, Frank Lloyd Wright, garden gates, garden walls, George Washington, Great Fire of 1861, Greg Big Daddy Patterson, Greg Patterson, Haslet Avenue, Heyward-Washington House, Historic Charleston, HIstoric Charleston Foundation, Hurricane Hugo, Janet Evanovich, Kimpton Hotels, Meeting Street, MET, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Michael Trouche, Middleton Place Foundation, Mills House Hotel, Nan Quick, Nathaniel Russell House, New American Wing, North East Corridor, Palmetto, Petrie Court Cafe, Philadelphia Alley, Pirates, Poogan's Porch restaurant, Princeton, S.N.O.B.restaurant, Slavery, Society of the, south carolina, Trenton, Vanderlyn Panorama, White Point Garden, window boxes