Tagged With: John D. Rockefeller Jr
Hudson River Valley Gardens–Part Two: Stonecrop, & Kykuit
December 2013. The impulse to collect–whatever one happens to want to accumulate—is powerful. As one hunts for treasure, each discovery, rather than satisfying, seems instead to whet the appetite; after all, treasures exist most properly in troves. Humans are greedy souls. At first glance, the shaggy, encyclopedic collection of plants at Stonecrop Gardens (which perch … Continue reading
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Tags: Alcatraz Gardens, Alexander Hamilton House, boboli gardens, Caroline Burgess, Cold Spring New York, Croton on Hudson, Francis H. Cabot, Frank Cabot, Garden Conservatory, garden sculpture, Historic Hudson Valley, John D. Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller Jr, Kykuit, Les Quatre Vents, Medici, Nan Quick, Nelson Rockefeller, Ogden Codman Jr, Pearl Fryar Topiary Garden, Pond Garden, Rockefeller, Ruth Bancroft Garden, sculpture in gardens, Sleepy Hollow New York, Stonecrop Gardens, The Garden Conservancy, William Welles Bosworth